From the Lakewood Observer Observation Deck Forum:
Post by Brian Essi » Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:55 pm
Pillar of Medicine Award winner Terry E. Kilroy, M.D. is known by many thousands as a very dedicated physician who healed them and saved their lives. He has spent a great amount of his life in Lakewood Hospital. Each day, he gives the finest care to many-frequently without compensation. He is truly a great human being and a crown jewel at Lakewood Hospital.
What many may not know is that Dr. Kilroy was around in 1986 and in 1996 and warned City leaders and the rest of us back then of exactly what we are facing now.
Dr. Kilroy has been advocating a thoughtful and deliberative process to assess the needs of our citizens before jumping into another bad deal.
If our City leaders and citizens fail to heed his call and proceed again without the careful deliberations he advises, we will all learn that Dr. Kilroy was right again—but it will be too late.
Please take the time to read his thoughtful writings and reflect on his wisdom and experience: … tal-debate … ed-answers