Senator Michael Skindell addresses Save Lakewood Hospital meeting

State Senator Michael Skindell spoke to Save Lakewood Hospital, Sunday evening. Among approximately 20 attendees at the campaign’s second meeting, Senator Skindell reaffirmed his conviction that Lakewood Hospital can and should be saved.

The Cleveland Clinic’s proposal to shut down the hospital and substitute a smaller health center is not Lakewood’s only option, Skindell said. “There are opportunities out there,” he told the meeting, adding that he will urge City Council meeting to issue an open, public request for proposals. Skindell will be addressing City Council at 8 p.m., Thursday, March 12.

Senator Skindell and others present also described options and requirements for a community vote on the future of Lakewood Hospital, and other potential courses of action.

The Lakewood Observer has posted brief remarks about the meeting online, here.

We invite everyone interested in a robust, healthy future for Lakewood to join us! Save Lakewood Hospital’s next meeting will be Sunday, March 1 at 4:30 p.m. in the Main Branch Library’s Multipurpose Room.